🔵 Hundreds of thousands of Israelis are protesting. Israel’s president warned of "constitutional and social collapse." Israel’s supporters in the United States must push back. Join those of us who care deeply about Israel's future and add your name...
J Street

Netanyahu’s Far-Right Coalition 
is Subverting Israel’s Democracy. Hundreds of Thousands of 
Israelis are Protesting. Israel’s President Warned of Constitutional and Social Collapse. Israel’s Supporters in the United States Must Push Back. Join those of us who care deeply about Israel's future... Petition to President Biden: Push Back Against Netanyahu’s Agenda. Add Your NameWhat is Netanyahu Proposing? Shattering Judicial Independence: Dogged by corruption charges, Netanyahu is following Trump's playbook and attacking the justice system itself. New legislation would allow the government to directly appoint judges and a proposed “override clause” will allow a simple majority in parliament to overturn any Supreme Court judgment -- a move the Supreme Court’s President calls a fatal blow to Israeli democracy.
More Settlements, Demolitions & Conflict: Netanyahu’s government is supercharging settlements, demolitions and occupation. They've announced plans to build nearly 10,000 new settlement units and to retroactively legalize nine outposts that were previously illegal under Israeli law. This is what annexation looks like: More years of endless conflict and suffering. Another generation of Palestinians growing up without basic civil rights. Another generation of Israelis sent to guard illegal bulldozers, settlements and checkpoints.
Crackdowns on Freedom of Speech: Netanyahu’s far-right National Security Minister banned Palestinian flags from public spaces. His Education Minister is working to ban Israeli and Palestinian parents who’ve lost children in the conflict from speaking in Israeli schools. Netanyahu’s coalition agreement explicitly outlined plans to defund, delegitimize and restrict Israeli human rights groups.
Restricting Jewish Pluralism: The government plans to radically transform Jewish pluralism in Israel: Significantly restricting the number of Jewish people eligible to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return, ending recognition of conversions performed by non-Orthodox rabbis, and banning the feminist prayer group, Women of the Wall, from praying at Jerusalem’s Western Wall.We are no longer in a political debate but on the brink of constitutional and social collapse. Israeli President Isaac Herzog
If the people who made up this plan have their way, Israel’s 75th year will be remembered as the year in which our democracy suffered a fatal blow. Supreme Court President Esther Hayut
The breadth and pace of change, which threaten Israeli democracy, our security and regional stability, call for a forceful application of the brakes. There is only one player, the US, with the power to apply those brakes effectively. Nimrod Novik, Commanders for Israel’s Security
Petition to President Biden: Push Back Against Netanyahu’s Agenda.
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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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