What if I told you there was a better way and you could help make it happen?

Hey John 

Last year's runoff election between Sen. Warnock and Mr. Hershel Walker cost Georgia voters $75,000,000. 

What if I told you there was a better way and you could help make it happen? 

There is a bill (HB200) that would allow Georgia cities to use Instant Runoff Voting (IRV). This bill is active and currently being considered by Georgia politicians. 

Alongside our partners, we’ve been building a groundswell of support for this bill, but we need your help to get us over the finish line. Join us tomorrow at 6 PM ET / 5 PM CT to call Georgia voters and ask them to contact their representatives in support of HB200.

This bill is part of a larger strategy that our movement is advancing in Georgia and across the country. This is the latest opportunity for reform in a massive push for democracy. 

This seemingly small action has a huge impact on the big picture. 

The more people we can contact in Georgia the stronger the groundswell of support for this bill will be. We’ll guide you through every step in the process and connect you directly to voters so they can make their voices heard. 

The more calls we generate together, the more energy we'll create behind this bill. RSVP right now to join us tomorrow at 6 PM ET / 5 PM CT to help get us one step closer.

IRV is non-partisan. It improves and strengthens voter choice. When independent or third-party candidates are seen only as "spoilers" – or when runoff elections discourage voters from turning out – then democracy is disabled. Instant Runoff Voting can restore the choices and intentions of voters.

You've got a chance to make it happen in Georgia. 


Ben Levinsohn
Mobilization Manager


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