Get a load of this, folks—

Instead of cutting taxes for working families, Republicans want to impose a devastating national sales tax. This absurd plan would have you spending an extra 30% every time you shop for groceries or fill up the gas tank — at a time when prices are already astronomical.

Not on my watch.

So today, Senator Rosen and I filed a resolution to strongly oppose the GOP’s 30% national sales tax plan and support tax cuts for working families. 

Help us stop Republicans from plowing forward with their national sales tax proposal. Add your name to become a Citizen Cosponsor of this resolution immediately.

I’m committed to defeating this terrible plan in the Senate. At a time when hardworking families are struggling to stay afloat and small businesses are fighting to survive, we should be lowering taxes for Americans across the country, NOT raising them. 

Montana doesn’t have a sales tax and you can bet your you-know-what I’ll fight to keep it that way.

If you agree, please add your name next to mine in support of our resolution, and to show the GOP how unpopular their tax plan is to everyday Americans.

