You may remember him from such political stunts as…

Ilhan for Congress

See this guy?

Kevin Mccarthy

That's Kevin McCarthy.

You may remember him from such political stunts as "Failing to Get Elected Speaker of the House 14 Times in a Row" and "Kicking Ilhan Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee as a Petty Act of Revenge."

As the leader of the House GOP, it's clear that he's caving to his far-right friends and dark-money donors by making Ilhan one of his top targets in Congress this year.

It's nothing Ilhan's not used to — but we need to stay ready to fight back.

Because the only way we're going to keep her…

Ilhan Omar

Fighting for us here…

Capitol building

Is together.

So please:

Can you make a $5 contribution to stand with Ilhan Omar today? Our mid-month fundraising drive ends at midnight TONIGHT, and we're counting on lots and lots of people to chip in what they can before it ends.


Thank you,

Team Ilhan