Democrats’ refusal to act on key bills reveals a lot about what Democrats prioritize – and it’s not you or your family.
Shift Washington

Session cutoff is this Friday! That means state lawmakers have three more days to consider bills in committees and take floor action.

As Shift WA has reported, Democrats – particularly those who identify with the far-Left – refuse to hear any bills that would fix the terrible policies they passed in the last few years. Republicans have proposed bills to repeal or amend legislation that led to higher crime rates, serve as critical threats to the agricultural industry, prevents the governor from abusing powers, and relieves burdensome taxes.

But Democrats have yet to act on any of these commonsense bills. Their refusal to act on these bills reveals a lot about what Democrats prioritize – and it’s not you or your family.

Here are three things that Democrats prioritize over working families:
  1. The wellbeing of criminals – Democrats’ pro-criminal legislation has effectively handcuffed our police force by preventing them from pursuing criminals. As a result, crime rates have increased. Yet they refuse to act to fix their failed policies.
  2. Urban elites – Urban Democrats do not understand agriculture or the needs of farmers. And they have no desire to learn. Their policies – from costly cap-and-trade measures to labor regulations – harm farmers while achieving none of their goals. It’s an example of privileged urban elites putting their deeply held ideological beliefs ahead of reality.
  3. Expanding government powers – Democrats have had years to reform our state’s flawed emergency powers law. Even after years of Jay Inslee abusing those powers, they have not acted. Similarly, Democrats refuse to reform their deeply flawed long term payroll tax. That’s because both policies – as they exist now – work to expand governments’ power over the people’s power.

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