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Senate Conservatives Fund

A new poll has revealed the least popular senator in America.

You probably think it's a Democrat from a red state like Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). It's not. It's actually a Republican from a red state.

That's right. The new poll found what principled conservatives have known for a long time: Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is a dead-weight anchor on the Republican Party. 

Morning Consult polled all 50 states and found that McConnell ranks dead last among sitting senators: 64% of his Kentucky constituents disapprove of his job performance.

McConnell’s failing grade is 11 points worse than the second most unpopular senator, West Virginia’s Joe Manchin. 

If you are tired of the weak Republican leadership in the Senate, please support SCF and our priority candidates today.

Like you, we're committed to building a conservative Senate that will fight for the principles and values that make America great.

This new poll could shock the Washington Establishment. Everyone in The Swamp thinks McConnell is terrific. But it’s no surprise to grassroots conservatives. 

Of course, Washington loves McConnell. Washington always loves Republicans who fail, surrender, and lose.

It’s tough, principled conservatives like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee, and Eric Schmitt that Washington hates. They're despised because they fight: against socialism, against Joe Biden’s reign of error, and against the woke corruption destroying our country.

McConnell only fights against the Right.

❌  He fights against conservatives in Republican primaries.
❌  He blocks conservative amendments from the Senate floor.
❌  He attacks conservatives who propose real reforms.
❌  And he helps Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer pass legislation.

That’s why Mitch McConnell is so unpopular outside Washington – and why grassroots conservatives need Senate Conservatives Fund now more than ever. 

Please support SCF today!

We know America deserves better. Polls show America wants better. Now it’s up to us to lead where McConnell and other Swamp Republicans won’t. 

Thanks to your support, we're making progress. Ten Republicans voted for new leadership following the midterm elections. All we need is a few more, and the fragile support for McConnell will collapse.

SCF is already on the job. In 2024, we will work to re-elect leaders like Cruz and Hawley and elect new leaders who will stand up to the liberals in both parties. 

We are monitoring Senate races across the country, looking for the next generation of leaders who will step up.

With your help, we can raise the funds they need to get their message out and win.

Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to help fight for America's future.

Matt Hoskins
Matt Hoskins
Senior Advisor
Senate Conservatives Fund

SCF helps elect strong conservative leaders to the U.S. Senate by raising money for their campaigns from freedom-loving Americans across the nation. Support SCF and help us change Washington by changing the people we send there!
Senate Conservatives Fund
300 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003

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Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. SCF was founded by former Senator Jim DeMint to help the grassroots change Washington.

Contributions to the Senate Conservatives Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires us to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.

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