We just sent a letter to
President Biden calling on him to deliver a budget that invests in our
communities. Can
you add your name?
Last week, President Biden delivered his State of the Union
address, sharing a glimpse into his administration’s priorities for
the coming year. Next month, he’ll clarify those priorities even more
in his Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Budgets are moral documents that
reflect whose lives our country values — and whose we don’t.
Last month, Bend the Arc delivered a letter directly to the
White House, asking President Biden to cut funding from punitive
enforcement-focused systems, built on white supremacy, that
have disproportionately harmed Black, indigenous, and people of color
(BIPOC) for centuries and invest in programs that keep our communities
safe and create the conditions where all of us can thrive.
Now, it’s up to you to make our ask stronger. Can you add your name
to our petition before President Biden releases his budget on March
your name to let President Biden know you support a budget that moves
us closer to becoming a country free from white supremacy, where Black
liberation is realized, and all people are thriving.
Every year, billions more dollars are spent on policing,
immigrant detention and deportations, border militarization, and other
policies that make our communities less safe. And every year,
nowhere near enough money is being invested in what communities
actually need to be safe, like meeting our basic human needs, public
health-centered, community-led crisis response, and programs to
welcome immigrants into our communities.
For too many years, our country’s budgets, proposed by Democratic
and Republican presidents and passed by Congresses controlled by both
parties, shown how unwilling we still are to chart a new path away
from the white supremacy and systemic racism that has shaped our
society and government since white colonists first set foot on this
Here’s how we can start to change this: The Biden
administration can propose a budget that cuts funding from systems
that harm and invests in programs that help.
When you sign the letter, you’ll join a chorus of voices
sending a clear message to President Biden demanding greater
equity and safety for all of us — especially those who have been
harmed by generations of systemic oppression.
us now: Ask President Biden to center justice and equity in next
year’s budget.
Towards justice, Rabbi Jason Kimelman-Block, Washington
P.S. Keep an eye on your inbox — after President Biden releases his
budget on March 9, the government funding action moves to Congress and
we’ll let you know how you can help push Congress in the right