Last night, on the eve of commemorating five years since the Parkland school shooting in Florida, news broke of a mass shooting on yet another school campus, this time at Michigan State University.

Far too many Americans have experienced the pain of losing a loved one to gun violence.

Last year, Congress finally made progress by passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This legislation created grants to help states implement crisis intervention programs like red flag laws, enhanced background checks for individuals under 21, and closed the “boyfriend loophole” so domestic violence abusers cannot possess or purchase a firearm.

But last night’s tragedy proves what we already knew: We have so much more work to do to keep our kids and our citizens safe from gun violence.

Please add your name and call on Congress to pass more of the commonsense, bipartisan solutions that the majority of Americans support:
I’m proud of the important steps we’ve already taken to protect America’s children, keep our schools safe, and reduce the threat of violence across our country – but it’s just a start.

My heart is with the Michigan State University community and the families of the three MSU students who were tragically killed.

We cannot keep repeating this nightmare. Congress must pass legislation to protect our communities.

Thank you for making your voice heard and demanding further action.

– Maria



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