We’re partnering with Vote.org to help even more eligible Americans vote.
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Our democracy works best when every eligible citizen can vote, and today, CLC is joining forces with Vote.org to reach even more eligible voters.
Vote.org is one of the top voter registration and turnout organizations in the country. CLC’s site, RestoreYourVote.org, provides well-researched, state-specific information and resources to guide people with past felony convictions about their rights.
Now, when people with past felony convictions visit Vote.org, they’ll be directed to RestoreYourVote.org to understand if they can vote. And when eligible voters visit RestoreYourVote.org, they’ll be prompted to use Vote.org’s best-in-class tools to register to vote and those who do register will be sent Vote.org’s proven election reminders and get-out-the-vote outreach.
If you believe America is strongest when more eligible Americans vote, please consider a combined gift to CLC and Vote.org now. ([link removed])
While many states have some restriction on voting rights after a felony conviction, most states restore the right to vote to citizens after they complete their sentences. In fact, up to 18 million Americans with past felony convictions could vote today, they just may not realize it because felony disenfranchisement laws in every state can be confusing.
Will you chip in now to help more eligible citizens register to vote in 2020? Your donation will be split between CLC and Vote.org and will help give eligible citizens with past felony convictions the tools they need to restore their voting rights. ([link removed])
This new partnership will only be successful if both our organizations can scale up to serve every eligible voter who needs us. We need your support to make that happen.
Thank you,
Danielle Lang
CLC Co-Director, Voting Rights & Redistricting
P.S. Visit our friends at Vote.org ([link removed]) to sign up for helpful voting information and reminders. And, if you know someone with a past felony conviction who needs information about their voting rights, visit RestoreYourVote.org. ([link removed])
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Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan organization based in Washington, D.C., is home to the nation's premier election law experts. We are the lawyers for our democracy, fighting for your fundamental right to participate in the political process.
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