February 14th, 2023  •  Weekly Newsletter
Steve H. Hanke, John Greenwood, OBE (National Review)

The Fed has long been the goose that laid golden eggs. Now, thanks to the Fed’s ill-conceived monetary policies, particularly during and since Covid, that goose is no longer laying. What went wrong? The Bank of England’s better response to the panic of 1825 shows us. READ MORE »
Gary M. Galles (Mises.org)

President Biden’s student debt relief proposal created a storm of controversy—and it should. It is sharply pro-rich at the expense of those far poorer, from a party pretending to stand for the opposite. Plus, it’s unconstitutional. And it’s just the latest addition to massive subsidies enjoyed by colleges and universities. READ MORE »
William J. Watkins Jr.

Systemic racism played no part in the Nichols’ tragedy. To say that it did is to say that the black policemen involved had no agency. According to the progressive narrative, they, like automatons, could only do what their white training made them do. Isn’t that narrative itself racist? READ MORE »
Adam B. Summers (The Hill)

Do you want more economic freedom to fill your pocketbook and improve your life? If so, a new study says what you pretty much knew already: “Move to Florida!” Anybody want to guess which states fall short on freedom? READ MORE »
Edited by Robert M. Whaples et al.
The Latest from The Beacon
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Opportunities at Independent

Housing and Homelessness Research Fellow.  Independent Institute is seeking a Housing and Homelessness Research Fellow to perform original and innovative research. READ MORE »
David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy.  Independent Institute welcomes nominations and applications for the David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy, named in honor of the late founder of Independent. The holder of the chair ensures that all research activities have intrinsic intellectual in the service of Independent’s mission. READ MORE »
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