I’ll be straight with ya, folks — I’m asking you to pitch in to help our efforts to protect our Senate majority ahead of our mid-quarter deadline tomorrow. I’ll explain more in just a sec.

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Every quarter, my team sets fundraising goals to keep us on track. It’s a whole process — we tally projections, run models, look at previous quarters, and determine what we’ll need in the coming months to help fund our work to defend our razor-thin Senate majority.

On top of all that, all of our fundraising numbers will become public at the end of the quarter. That means everyone — Mitch McConnell, shady super PACs, and the folks blanketing Montana with attack ads right now — will see our numbers and make judgments about the strength of this team. It’s critical we show them we’re ready to put up a fight. 

Right now, we need to raise $11,436 by our mid-quarter deadline tomorrow at midnight. I know that’s a tall order, but that's what it’s gonna take to stay on track with our quarterly goal and compete with the GOP money machine.

So much is on the line in this election, and we can’t afford to come up short this early in the cycle. That means we’ll be playing catch-up for the next two years and practically handing the gavel back to Mitch McConnell. 

We’ll need to operate on all cylinders to defend our Senate majority. That means registering voters, running ads, talking to folks who are undecided, and more. All of these things take resources — so when our team sets quarterly fundraising goals to stay on track, it’s critical that we’re able to meet and exceed them. 

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll chip in just $10 to our campaign today. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important, folks.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our campaign relies on grassroots support from people like you to power everything we do.

The contributions we receive through emails just like this one help me spend less time worrying about fundraising and more time focused on doing the work I was elected to do.

