Senior Soloists

Wednesdays, March 1–April 19
3–4:15 pm ET

Open to members of the entertainment community living in New York, ages 65+ who would like to connect with a group of other "Soloists"—those who may be living alone, without a partner, children or family present in their lives. Whether you are a Soloist by choice or find yourself a Soloist after changes in life circumstances, this group is a place for peers to connect and support one another.

The group will begin by collectively brainstorming "Words of the Week," a list of general one-word themes which will serve as inspiration for each session's conversation. The group is invited to participate in a free-flowing dialogue that will be shaped each week by what members are finding most relevant and meaningful.

All eight sessions will be held via Zoom. Space is limited; an initial interview with a facilitator is required for all participants.

Please note that this is not a psychotherapy group and does not provide mental health treatment. If you are in need of mental health support, please learn more and reach out to the Entertainment Community Fund:

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© 2022 Entertainment Community Fund is a U.S. registered charity EIN #13-1635251
NY: 212.221.7300  |  LA: 323.933.9244  |  Chicago: 312.372.0989
[email protected] | 800.221.7303

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