![]() Patriot, It’s now a well-known fact the Covid vaccines don't prevent you from getting Covid and don't prevent the spread to others, so the mass media is trying to gaslight you into forgetting so-called “experts” and their media servants ever told you otherwise. But they most certainly did. In fact, this was the entire basis for vaccine mandates in the first place. ![]() The government knew they could never order people to take experimental drugs, effectively forcing people to participate in a Big Pharma drug trial like lab rats . . . medical experimentation on unwilling human subjects was banned in the Nuremberg Code. So they lied, claimed the “science was settled,” and proclaimed the “vaccines” worked! The entire legal justification for vaccine mandates was based on lies . . . and Anthony Fauci has admitted they were lying all along. The truth was laid bare in a recent paper written by Anthony Fauci himself, published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell, in which he notes the Covid “vaccine” could not possibly prevent infection OR transmission of Covid! Patriot, they knew all along the vaccines could not stop the spread of Covid! Later in the paper, Fauci makes clear the same corrupt Healthcare Industrial Complex that scammed the world into their experiment isn’t done with us yet: “Attempting to control mucosal respiratory viruses
with systemically administered non-replicating vaccines has thus far been largely unsuccessful, indicating that new approaches are needed,” the
paper says. In other words, “we need a new vaccine—one that will work!” Fauci has finally admitted what we had known he knew all along. It's time to DEMAND Congress hold him – and his lying colleagues – accountable. If you and I allow them to get away with this unprecedented scam, there’s no telling what depths they’ll sink to in the future. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, Dr. Deborah Birx, Pfizer CEO Albert Boula, and the rest of the profiteers knew all along the vaccine didn't work. But they lied constantly. Not only did Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tweet in April 2021 the vaccine was “100% effective in preventing COVID cases in South Africa,” the company put out a press release making the claim. We now know the company made these claims with zero data to support them. Because the data didn’t exist. Pfizer says so itself. Bourla was called before the European Parliament’s COVID-19 committee last October but did not make himself available. Instead, he sent Janine Small, President of International Markets for Pfizer. Rob Roos, a member of parliament from the Netherlands, asked Small: “Was the
Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you
willing to share the data with this committee?”
Small answered: “Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No.” She continued: “We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.” Apparently, “moving at the speed of science” means “not doing any science” and “perpetrating a
fraud on the entire world.” And there was indeed massive risk . . . and it was borne by you and me! Words cannot describe the evil that was done to America and the whole world by this fraud. Pfizer profited untold billions of dollars selling its ill-tested and ineffective vaccine to the world, and it lied to use governments to force their vaccines upon people who rightly distrusted them. Remember when a journalist with a hidden camera caught an FDA Executive Officer for its Countermeasures Initiatives, Christopher Cole, admitting that their plan is to make Americans take the (still-experimental) Covid vaccines every year? “You’ll have to get an annual shot. I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up,” he admitted. Cole went on to note the huge profits that the drug companies are looking forward to making: “It’ll be recurring fountain of revenue. It might not be that much initially, but it’ll be recurring – if they can get every person required at an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their company.” We must demand the people who broke (and continue to break) the trust of the American people face justice for recklessly putting our entire country into every kind of jeopardy – for profit. Think of all of the lives they’ve destroyed, damaged, and diminished. They need to be investigated and brought to justice. But that won’t happen unless We, the People, demand it. Take a moment to send a quick e-postcard to your U.S. Representative and demand they fully investigate the lies and manipulations behind our Covid policies – and hold those responsible accountable. No matter whether your representative is a Democrat or Republican, her or she need to hear from you. They need to fully appreciate the public outcry on this. They need to know the people will not be satisfied with their distractions. To this day, most of the politicians in Washington have stymied efforts to get to the truth. In fact, many of them even continue to falsely claim the Covid shots prevent infection and spread, and they’re demanding “vaccine” mandates remain in place! But now majority control has changed in the House – and Republicans promised action on this issue before the election. It’s time to hold them to it – especially given the recent admissions, by Fauci and others, that they knew all along the vaccines could not stop the spread. Patriot, their silence and their inaction is their complicity. We must demand our lawmakers do their job. If our representatives won’t hold those responsible accountable, you and I must hold our representatives and those responsible accountable. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work and hold our derelict lawmakers accountable. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over we, the people, for far too long. You and I must demand full accountability. With your help, Campaign for Liberty can activate more liberty-minded Americans to fight back against the statists tyrannical Covid policies – and demand those who lied to the American people are held accountable. You and I must keep the pressure on Congress to uncover the lies and find the truth – and then take action against those who pushed the lies and half-truths on us! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. It only takes a moment to sign your e-postcard and we will deliver it for you. Make your voice heard! Click here to send your e-postcard and DEMAND they conduct a full investigation and hold people accountable. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work and hold our derelict lawmakers accountable. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over we, the people, for far too long. You and I must demand full accountability. With your help, Campaign for Liberty can activate more liberty-minded Americans to fight back against government overreach like the Covid hysteria. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
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Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |