
A message from our sponsor

Dear Pro-Life Friend,

You’ve been selected to participate in a special 2020 PRO-LIFE SURVEY.

Students for Life of America, the largest pro-life youth organization in the nation with more than 1,200 active groups, is conducting this survey to help us gauge the enthusiasm of the pro-life movement in 2020.

With their full embrace of late-term abortion and even infanticide, the Abortion Lobby’s true colors have been exposed like never before. And many Americans are rejecting their abortion extremism.

Will you please take a moment to complete your 2020 PRO-LIFE SURVEY by clicking here?


We will be tallying up all the results before the March for Life on Friday, January 24th.

So please make sure to complete your survey right away to help us know where to direct our resources.

After completing your 2020 PRO-LIFE SURVEY, please consider making a tax-deductible donation of $100, $50, $25, or at least $10 to support Students for Life’s efforts today.

Thanks to our March for Life Matching Grant, every dollar I can raise before the deadline will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $29,855!

You can get started by answering the first question below:
2020 Pro-Life Survey
The nation’s largest abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood, committed 345,672 abortions last year and raked in over $600 million in taxpayer funding!

Meanwhile, they’ve announced a $45 million plan to elect pro-abortion politicians in 2020.

Do you agree Planned Parenthood should be DEFUNDED?


For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life

Begin My 2020 Pro-Life Survey >>

Students for Life of America (SFLA) is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.
Students for Life of America
4755 Jefferson Davis Highway Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Office: 540.834.4600


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