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Dear advocate,

Since 1973, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates’ dedicated community has worked tirelessly to advance the well-being of AAPIs and empower the next generation of leaders in our communities. In gratitude for your efforts, I’ve been thinking about how OCA can show up for you in a meaningful way.

Did you know that 67% of American adults do not have an up-to-date will? Estate planning has traditionally been expensive, overwhelming, and inaccessible, but it's a necessary task no matter where you are on your life's journey. That’s why I’m proud to share this free tool from our friends at FreeWill that can be used to create your will. In just about 20 minutes, you can:

  • Complete an important act of care
  • Protect your loved ones, secure your assets, and support your community
  • Gain peace of mind for the year ahead and beyond
Care for all I love

Since 2017, FreeWill has helped over 700,000 people create their wills with their free estate planning tools. And thanks to our partnership, 30 people in the OCA community have taken advantage of this opportunity!

This Valentine's Day, I hope you take the time to protect all you love and gain peace of mind today and beyond. 


Thu Nguyen
Executive Director, OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates

P.S. Have any additional questions about our FreeWill partnership? Please contact Caroline Buaron at [email protected] to learn more.

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Embracing the hopes and aspirations of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

900 19th St. NW, 6th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006

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