Today is Valentine’s Day, and also the day Arizona became a state!

Governor Katie Hobbs


Today is Valentine’s Day, and also the 110th anniversary of Arizona’s statehood! I like to think of this coincidence as the perfect excuse to reflect on everything I love about Arizona…

A lot has changed since Arizona first became a state in 1912, but our state’s natural landscapes remain just as gorgeous. I love getting outside and exploring Arizona’s natural beauty – and these views from atop Piestewa Peak and from my office in the Executive Tower will never get old! 😍

Katie atop Piestewa Peak

Katie smiling with a full rainbow in the background

I love to show my Arizona pride by cheering on Arizona’s awesome sports teams (including their mascots like D. Baxter the Bobcat)!

Katie smiling at an Arizona Cardinals game

A collage of two pictures: One of Katie and her husband at a Phoenix Suns game and one of Katie and D. Baxter the Bobcat, the mascot of the Arizona Diamondbacks

From Flagstaff to Tempe to Yuma to Bisbee to Scottsdale and everywhere in between, I love all the people (and pets) who make up this great state.

A collage of four pictures: All of Katie smiling and shaking hands with supporters, including shaking hands with a cute dog!

And I love that this past November, we came together to wholly reject hate and chaos in our state. We stood up for sanity and chose to build an Arizona for everyone.

Arizona Republic newspaper headline of Katie Hobbs' victory

Katie Hobbs inaugural ceremony

I could go on and on, but I’m curious to hear, what do you love most about Arizona? Let me know by writing your own short love letter to Arizona:


I can’t wait to read your response! Thanks for taking the time to reflect with me on everything that makes our state so special.

Happy Valentine’s and Happy Statehood Day!
