Just the other day Equinor and BP, some of the world's largest oil and gas companies announced record breaking profits. They have no place in our futures.



Energy companies are breaking the planet and raking in profits with the government's help. Just the other day Equinor and BP, some of the world's largest oil and gas companies announced record breaking profits.


Meanwhile we are paying the price in floods, droughts, poisonous air and a cost of living crisis that is forcing millions into poverty.


There simply can't be a place for fossil fuel giants in our future. They must be kicked out of the finance industry, of society and of politics.


We know a greener and fairer country is possible, where everyone lives a safe life in a comfortable home with a stable job, using green and affordable renewables. While the government lets fossil fuel criminals get away with it, will you join our movement and help us stand up for people and planet today by becoming a Green Friend? 

Our Green Friends are a key part of our movement, giving a monthly contribution to support our work on climate action and getting exclusive access to events and discounts.


But they are not party members and can continue to be politically unaffiliated or remain as members of other parties. Whatever you are, be Green too 💚


Thanks for your support.


The Green Party