To stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments, we must first stop wasteful government spending. To receive fewer emails from White Coat Waste Project, please adjust your preferences.
Taxpayer, 18 million deaths, and three years later, Congress is finally investigating whether taxpayer-funded ANIMAL experimentation caused the COVID pandemic.
Actual photo from inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Taxpayer, make no mistake about it: the Wuhan Lab is an ANIMAL LAB.
Baby animals are ripped away from their moms.
Restraint devices are implanted onto their skulls.
They’re tormented by an electroshock generator.
They’re denied water… for 23 hours a day!
In early 2020, the White Coat Waste Project shocked the world when first exposed how the National Institutes of Health (NIH) shipped your tax money to the Wuhan Lab.
The money flow: NIH gave a $3.7 million payout to the EcoHealth Alliance, which then funneled about $600,000 to white coats in Wuhan who abuse animals. These gain-of-function experiments intentionally supercharge viruses to make them more contagious and deadlier to humans.
NOW: we just launched a new investigation proving EcoHealth has raked in another $46M—all during the pandemic it probably caused! See below.
Taxpayer, I’m rallying as many outraged animal lovers, liberty lovers, and taxpayers to tweet directly at Congress as it begins this urgent investigation. Will you join my Tweetstorm?
It takes just 8 seconds! Follow this link to send a pre-written Tweet.
Let’s send Congress an unmistakable message: Stop the MONEY. Stop the MADNESS!
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Ann Mari Dori Operations Manager White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Sign/Share: Don’t use Twitter? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. You can click here to send Congress an email Email instead. Thanks – AMD
WCW Investigation: EcoHealth Raked In $46M In New Taxpayer Funds During Pandemic It Probably Caused
The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) first exposed how EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) funneled US taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab for dangerous animal experiments that probably caused the pandemic. EHA brazenly violated a federal gain-of-function ban and other federal laws and policies and wasted tax dollars. Federal investigators have documented the wasteful spending, too.
EcoHealth’s waste and abuse are so egregious that Congress has prohibited funding for its work in China and introduced legislation to completely defund the shady organization. Three-quarters of taxpayers even want EcoHealth’s president Peter Daszak subpoenaed to testify before Congress about his animal experiments at the Wuhan lab!
But, white coats at government agencies that bankroll EcoHealth are addicted to spending.
A new analysis of government spending data by WCW has discovered that—just since the pandemic began—EcoHealth has raked in at least $46 million in new taxpayer funds for more dangerous and unnecessary virus-hunting around the world and risky and cruel animal experiments in foreign labs.
Since March 2020, the Department of Defense (DOD) forked over $26 million to EcoHealth, including funds from the Pentagon’s “Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction” account. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) handed over $11 million. The National Science Foundation (NSF) threw $263,801 at EcoHealth.
Along with recklessly funding EcoHealth’s gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), also gave the rogue group another $7 million, including for highly-dangerous virus experiments on hamsters and humanized mice in foreign labs.
As we previously exposed, EcoHealth also inexplicably managed to squeeze another $1.5 million in pandemic bailout funds out of taxpayers’ pockets, even though they may have actually sparked the pandemic and were raking in millions of tax dollars!
All in all, across 19 active taxpayer-funded projects, EcoHealth is doing its dirty work in 20 countries around the world, playing around with deadly pathogens like Nipah, coronaviruses, and Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.
As the group that first exposed and ended EcoHealth’s calamitous collaboration with the Wuhan animal lab, we’re working with Congress to defund this rogue organization once and for all. Taxpayers should not be forced to bankroll reckless white coats who waste money, break the law and place public health in peril.
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