John, Each month, we set a fundraising goal based on the resources we need to have Keith’s back as he fights to help people afford their lives and live with dignity, safety, and respect as Attorney General.


Each month, we set a fundraising goal based on the resources we need to have Keith’s back as he fights to help people afford their lives and live with dignity, safety, and respect as Attorney General.

Powerful special interests are working 24/7 to restrict our right to vote, end our right to choose, make us less safe, and make corporations more powerful and the middle class weaker. So, our goals matter A LOT.

We need to raise $15,000 this month to keep the lights on. Over the past week, donations have been slowing down significantly, so we’re asking everyone who hasn’t pitched in yet this year to help.

According to our records, we’re still missing you, John. Can you chip in $5 or more today to get us back on track? Donate to activate your 2023 Keith Ellison supporter record now.


SUPPORTER ID: [email protected]
SUGGESTED DONATION: $5 – let Keith know you have his back!

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Team Keith

Attorney General Keith Ellison is the People’s Lawyer, fighting to help people afford their lives and live with safety, dignity, and respect.


We are prohibited by campaign finance law from accepting contributions from lobbyists and political committees during the regular legislative session. If you are a PAC/Lobbyist, please disregard this message.

Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 17224, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 17224
Minneapolis, MN 55417
United States