From Madeleine Dean <>
Subject Solemn day
Date January 21, 2020 12:05 PM
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Dear Friend:

Today, for only the third time in our nation's history, the Senate begins the impeachment trial of our President. We are in a solemn moment of judgment for our country, a moment when we show our dedication to our country and our precious Constitution.

The Senate must put aside the judgment of our President's character—and so much of what I view as his inhumane, cruel, reckless, and counterproductive behavior and decision making. We must focus on the facts of his attacks on our constitutional order, on the integrity of our elections, and his abuse of his power and office for personal and political gain.

That's why I call upon the Senate—and specifically on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell—to ensure a fair trial in the Senate, as their oath requires. If you agree, would you please add your name to my petition. [link removed]

Our democracy is rooted in the integrity of our elections and the checks and balances that ensure government accountability. President Trump’s solicitation of foreign interference in our elections has fundamentally undermined Americans' right to choose our leaders.

This is not about policy disagreement or personal sentiment. And it must not be about a cover-up.

This is about national security, fair elections, the integrity of the office, and the preservation of our Constitution.

This is about love of country and carrying out our duty to protect our democracy.

The House has acted. Stand with me and add your name to my petition urging the Senate to do the same. [link removed]


Madeleine Dean



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