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On the virtues of whataboutism

By Andrew J. Bacevich on Feb 14, 2023 03:00 am

By focusing on the mistakes of enemy states American elites give themselves permission to ignore their own pathologies.
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Austria should buck the West and welcome Russia to key security meeting

By Anatol Lieven on Feb 14, 2023 02:55 am

Leaders who condemn Moscow's presence at the OSCE are acting like 'insulted liver sausages,' not diplomats.
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Report: Pentagon wants to revive top secret commando program in Ukraine

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Feb 10, 2023 06:58 am

Washington Post exclusive comes in wake of report that the US has been giving Kyiv coordinates for every single strike against Russia.
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Feeling manipulated? How Uncle Sam perfected the information state

By Brandan P. Buck on Feb 10, 2023 02:26 am

The Twitter Files are just the latest in 100 years of the government imposing its will through covert media and intimidation.
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The rise and fall of the Mozart Group

By David Isenberg on Feb 08, 2023 11:22 am

The private military group became the darling of the West for its work in Ukraine, but an internal crisis among partners led to a quick demise.
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It’s time to take Cuba off the terror list

By William LeoGrande on Feb 08, 2023 03:00 am

To improve relations, Biden should order a fair review, which will likely conclude that the island nation isn't sponsoring terrorism.
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Lifting sanctions on Syria after devastating earthquake

By Daniel Larison on Feb 08, 2023 02:43 am

Washington is averse to anything that appears as normalization with the Assad regime, but is there room in this case for exceptions?
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