Dear Friend,

👉Did you know that research shows pornography consumption is associated with poorer relationship and sexual satisfaction?

👉Did you know that robust longitudinal evidence suggests that consuming pornography leads to doubled divorce and breakup rates?

👉Did you know that pornography consumers are significantly more likely to cheat on their partners, compared to non-pornography consumers?

👉Did you know that pornography consumption is associated with the development of sexual dysfunctions, where the consumer becomes incapable of engaging in partnered intimacy? 

If you knew all this . . . do your friends know?

Today is Valentine’s Day. Practically the entire world is thinking and talking about romantic relationships. Magazine headlines and social media ads will be full of tips for revitalizing your relationship and getting back “that spark.”

Yet how many people know that one of the best things they can do to improve their relationship is stop watching pornography? 

People who have quit pornography have reported incredible results in their relationships and sex lives. Here is what just a few of them have said:

“I have never felt more attracted to my wife and not just sexually but emotionally. I just can’t get enough of being around her, I miss her when she isn’t here–a big change from enjoying her absences because it meant I could freely PMO [i.e., consume pornography].” 

“One thing I have found is an appreciation for actual genuine sex and connecting with someone on a physical level. Whereas porn-addict me would simply just use sex and porn as a means of getting myself off.  It brings with it such an unhealthy mindset of abuse and using another’s body for your own pleasure, a sexual selfishness which is completely unfulfilling for everyone.” 

“I am becoming completely besotted with my wife. It’s like all my energy is being directed to her, she in turn is radiating.”

Yet despite an overwhelming number of anecdotes like these, and despite the strong scientific evidence, far too many people are still unaware of the devastating impact that pornography can have on their love lives.

They deserve to know.

This Valentine’s Day, we invite you to join us in spreading the word: 

📣Forward this email to a friend, or multiple!

📣Share this blog on social media! 

(The blog provides a brief introduction to the scientific research on how pornography damages romantic and sexual relationships. We encourage you to read more for yourself as well.)

You could be the difference-maker in prompting someone to quit pornography and take back their relationship!



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