Biden’s Mess of an Address
[ACT For America]
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The Mess of an Address
Misinform, ignore, and attack.
February 10, 2023 by Victor Davis Hanson
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[Biden's State of the Union Address]
After listening to the State of the Union address, Americans know why
the latest Reuters poll has President Joe Biden at 41 percent
Vice President Kamala Harris polls even lower – despite the
obsequious efforts of the most biased media in history that has, in
effect, merged with the Democratic Party.
The nation was reminded again why only 37% of Biden’s own party want
him to run again.
Only a quarter of Americans believe the country is headed in the right
direction under his leadership.
Given all that, what could a president possibly tell a nation when he
entered office inheriting a 1.4% inflation rate only to spike it to
7%? How did Americans’ 30-year mortgages of 2.7% soar to 6.5% in
less than two years?
How does a president explain that eggs climbed to $7 a dozen, or a
thin steak hit $15 a pound, or a sheet of plywood reached $95?
How does a president explain to Americans that gas averaged $2.39 a
gallon when he took office and, even after draining the strategic
petroleum reserve, it is still $3.50 a gallon – and recently spiked
at $5 a gallon in many states.
Can Biden explain why once affordable, or even cheap natural gas more
than tripled in price in less than a year?
What can a president say when in his first two years over 5 million
foreign nationals poured into the United States – all illegally
across a nonexistent border?
How could Biden explain the humiliation in Afghanistan? The draining
of our arsenal of key weaponry? Or the inability to take down a
communist Chinese spy balloon when it first brazenly floated above
America – photographing military bases and missile sites as it
crossed the entire United States with impunity?
Biden simply did on Tuesday in his State of the Union address what he
always does: misinform, ignore, and attack!
MISINFORM. After sending inflation, energy, and interest rates to
astronomical rates, and then seeing them momentarily taper off a bit,
Biden declares that he “lowered” these indices that remain far
higher than they were when he entered office.
He brags of a low unemployment rate. But Biden never discloses the
better indicator of the labor participation rate that has declined
under his tenure – or the fact he inherited a growing economy
naturally rebounding on autopilot from a disastrous 2-year COVID
IGNORE. Consider what he will never mention. China just violated
international law and U.S. airspace. How did Beijing assume rightly
that they so easily could get away with it?
There is no southern border. Biden destroyed it. He greenlighted over
5 million illegal aliens to enter the United States without audit or
legality – even as smuggled Mexican drugs kill 100,000 Americans
each year.
He never will concede he stopped the building of the wall. He omits
that he demonized innocent border patrol officers. He nullified the
immigration laws he swore to uphold.
Biden ignores the $4 trillion he has borrowed in just two years to
inflate the national debt, now on its way to over $32 trillion this
year. The middle class has bled 20-30% of their 401K retirement plans
representing years’ worth of lost hard-earned savings.
Yet Biden promised hundreds of billions of dollars more in borrowing
with no idea of how to pay back the already crushing national debt
that will incur $450 billion just to service this year alone.
He skipped over how he demolished U.S. deterrence abroad after the
greatest humiliation in modern military history, with the flight from
Kabul and the abandonment of billions of dollars in military
He never mentions that Russia went into Ukraine because Russian
President Vladimir Putin saw no downside after this debacle in
Afghanistan, or that Biden’s own inept remarks about not worrying
over a Russia invasion of Ukraine if it just proved to be “minor”
probably played some role.
ATTACK! Remember Biden comes to life only when he smears his enemies
while calling for “unity” and “bipartisanship.”
Only then his voice rises, his brow furrows, and his face reddens. He
claims that “the rich” avoid “paying their fair share,” even
as he knows that just one percent of the country pays over 40% of all
income taxes.
Biden somehow demagogued the lethal violence of Black police officers
against a Black victim in Memphis into evidence of America’s
supposed racism. He smeared all law enforcement – even as inner-city
violent and hate crimes soared as never before.
He utterly lied about Republicans demanding a sunsetting of Social
Security and Medicare.
He beat the dead horse of January 6 (while insanely connecting it to
the attack on Paul Pelosi!), despite the stacked congressional
investigative committee and the suppression of critical video evidence
and email communications involving security lapses.
ignore, and attack – and then call for “unity,” as the country
collectively slides into ruin.
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