AVFCA's Twitter Account was Reinstated Today!
One year, one month and 5 days ago A Voice for Choice Advocacy's account was suspended on Twitter for "misinformation." Today, after a myriad of appeal requests, Twitter reinstated our account! Please follow @avoiceforchoice (https://twitter.com/avoiceforchoice) to get the latest updates on Action Alerts, CA Bill updates and more.
AVFCA (@avoiceforchoice) uses different social media platforms for different types of information, so be sure to follow AVFCA on your prefered platforms to state up to date on issues related to informed consent, transparency, medical freedom and health rights:
Facebook, Telegram and Parler: Catch up on the latest, third party news and research articles, posted throughout the day
Instagram and Twitter: Engage with legislative action alerts, informational and educational memes, and breaking live videos, posted daily
Substack and AVFCA Blog: Read articles published by AVFCA writers, posted weekly
Youtube and Odysee: Watch in-depth videos on informative topics, such as how to lobby local elected officials and previous Q & A’s, posted monthly
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
