Jack — We know it's not going to be easy, but if we start working now, we can Ditch Mitch, once and for all.
Here's the situation:
🚨 There are 34 Senate seats up for grabs in 2024.
🚨 Democrats are defending 23 of them; Republicans only 11.
🚨 Republicans only need to flip 2 out of 23 to re-take the Senate!!
So, it's a fact: the odds are on their side. But If 2022 proved anything, it's that with early investment Democrats CAN put the GOP on defense, and beat them at their own game!
Jack, Mitch McConnell sees the 2024 map is favorable to Republicans, and he knows this is his LAST CHANCE to squirm back into the Majority Leader's office. So let's grab an early advantage in these crucial Senate races, and we'll be saying "Hasta la Vista" to Mitch McConnell, once and for all!!
Please, Jack, make a $35 investment TODAY in keeping the Senate BLUE in 2024. Your early support will be the difference between a Democratic Majority in 2024, or Republican control of the Senate>>>