From Frank Mrvan <[email protected]>
Subject $3
Date February 14, 2023 12:13 AM
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Frank Mrvan for Congress [[link removed]]
Dear John,

I’m humbly asking you for a $3 contribution. I’ll share more in a moment about how your $3 can make a huge difference for our campaign, but if you're ready to give now, please chip in:

CHIP IN $3 [[link removed]]

As promised, here are 3 reasons your $3 is important to our campaign:

1. Grassroots donations from thousands of supporters like you add up. While House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy just raked in a record-breaking $12.3 million at a high-dollar, corporate lobbyist-sponsored fundraiser, our campaign is fueled by working people who believe in building an economy that works for everyone. Even just $3 makes a huge impact when you give $3, and the next person chips in $3, and the next.

2. We count on consistent grassroots donations to fight back against any right-wing attacks. Last election cycle, Republican Super PACs and dark-money groups poured more than $5 million into Indiana’s First Congressional District to try to replace me with an extreme, MAGA Republican. We were able to counter those attacks and reach voters thanks to the support of people like you.

3. We are 3 days away from our mid-quarter deadline, and we need to raise $12,000 more to stay on track in our fundraising. We have fewer days to fundraise with February being such a short month, so your donation today will help us get ahead.
John, are you ready to give? If so, please chip in just $3 — or anything you can spare — ahead of our mid-quarter deadline so I have the resources to stay in Congress.

CHIP IN $3 [[link removed]]

It's thanks to your support that I can keep working in Congress to create jobs and make transformational economic investments in Indiana's infrastructure. Thank you for giving what you can.


Mrvan For Congress
7895 Broadway, Suite T
Merrillville, IN 46410
United States [[link removed]] | [email protected] [[email protected]]
Paid for by Mrvan for Congress
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