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News and Opinion
Dalia Al-Aqidi Challenges Ilhan Omar for House Seat American Muslim vs. Islamist Muslim Watch and Share right-arrow.png
FBI: Saudi Gov't Helps Citizens 'Disappear' to Escape US Justice Saudi nationals accused of serious crimes spirited away Read right-arrow.png
Alert Issued for 'Iranian Nationals Armed With Explosives' at Mexican Border The alert was issued by Customs and Border Protection in Arizona Read right-arrow.png
Readers Write
‘Light Them On Fire’: Bernie Sanders Organizer Wants Political Violence
“Terrorist and should be treated as such.”
- B.P.
Kerry: ‘We Gave [Iran] a Little Bit of Money’
“That 'little bit' could have made a huge dent in our homeless veterans population. Or helped mental health or opioid crisis programs be implemented. What a liar!”
- G.L.

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