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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 21 January


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


'New faith schools will create more division'

If Boris Johnson wants to unite Britain he should be wary of backing a policy that allows discrimination by religion, says Rachel Sylvester in response to council officials' recommendation that a new Roman Catholic primary school in Peterborough be opened.

The Times (£)


Sex education and religious education to be made compulsory in Wales

Parents will no longer have the right to withdraw children from lessons about relationships, sexuality and religion, the Welsh Government has confirmed.

BBC News


Northern Ireland pastor demands right for same-sex couples to hold religious weddings

A Co Antrim church has criticised the new same-sex marriage arrangements, as couples who wish to marry in a religious ceremony are currently "being denied the right to do so".

Belfast Telegraph


We need repair fund, churches tell Government

Representatives from CofE churches have requested a dedicated repair fund from the government to help maintain buildings.

Church Times


Transgender woman ends bid to see her ultra-Orthodox Jewish children

An ultra-Orthodox Jew who left her community to transition from male to female has abandoned a family court fight to see her five children.

The Guardian


Ofsted presses Charedi Jewish school over LGBT-inclusive education

Ofsted said Gateshead Jewish Primary School, now known as Keser Torah Boys' School, did not meet independent school standards because its leadership confirmed that "pupils would not be taught about different sexual orientations or gender identity".

The JC


Teacher Andrew Moffat at centre of LGBT Birmingham schools protests moves to new job

Andrew Moffat faced protests from hundreds of Muslim parents over inclusive education



Jess Phillips: 'There can be no going back on abortion rights'

Labour leadership candidate Jess Phillips says "for every step forward - from the earliest birth control clinics in the 1920s to the referendum result in Ireland in 2018 - there have been people wanting to pull us backwards."

The Mirror


UK’s failure to ban far-right groups undermines fight against online extremism, report finds

Islamists jailed for three times as long as far-right extremists for online offences, report finds

The Independent


LGBTQ+ hate crimes double in 10 years in Scotland

Last year, according to statistics released under Freedom of Information legislation, there were 1205 crimes recorded by Police Scotland where sexual orientation was an aggravator.

The National


Latest from the NSS


Parents set to lose right to withdraw children from RE in Wales

The Welsh government plans to remove parents' right to withdraw children from lessons on religion and to rename religious education.


Jewish school stocked sexist texts and limits curriculum, Ofsted says

An Orthodox Jewish school stocked texts which said women are "guards" to their families' wellbeing, inspectors have said.


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