All eyes were on the national scene this week as President Biden lied his way though the State of the Union – going so far as to use the hero of the Monterey Park shooting as a prop for more gun control. The USA is not in the mood for this and neither are the Gun Owner organizations – GOC and GOA. Biden’s potshots at the 2A industry and his “solutions” to the violent misuse of firearms are insincere. Read all about it! Speaking of insincere, read how Governor Newsom wears that label as well. He’s a typical Leftist in that he wants guns for his armed security but not for the rest of us “normal” folk. The bad guys may be banging on our door with their anti-gun baloney but GOC has some great news for you! Have you ever wondered what you can do to help us beat back the crazy anti-gunners? Well, here’s your chance! Buy a ticket (or even better – a TABLE!) at one of our upcoming events: TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE NOW and you can get them HERE. We have great games, great food and of course – a lot of great guns, too! Everyone needs a chuckle or two, so we wholeheartedly recommend watching a clever video by the Babylon Bee, which takes on “The AR 15 Goes on Trial for Murder” – check it out below!
WATCH: The Battle to Save Body Armor | GunGuy.TV GOC’s Sam Paredes weighs in with Joel Persinger. New Bill Would Outlaw CA’s Dealer Gun Raffles and Give-Aways | The Truth About Guns The anti-gunners must lay awake at night dreaming up this garbage. Newsom Flaunts Contempt for 2A Rights | The Truth About Guns All the while having armed security 24/7; total hypocrite. Exclusive: GOA, Texas AG Filing Suit Against ATF Pistol Brace Rule | Breitbart Great to see! GOA/GOF/GOC will continue to fight for Gun Owners against the ATF! What You Didn’t Hear in the State of the Union About Gun Control | NSSF Great points by Larry Keane, per usual. Biden Calls for ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban in State of the Union | The Reload Not happening, Biden! Guns Groups Fire Back at Biden's Call for a Ban on 'Assault Weapons' | Townhall GOA strikes back. Biden Shamefully Uses Hero's Bravery to Push Gun Ban | Red State The anti-gun left loves to use victims as political props. Internal ATF Docs Show ‘Zero Tolerance’ For Shutting Down Gun Stores | FOX News ATF can 'use inspection reports to establish “willfulness” even no violations. New Leak Shows The ATF's Plan To Revoke FFLs | AmmoLand Time to get rid of this federal agency. Why Most Gun Laws Aren’t Backed Up By Evidence | FiveThirtyEight And Five Thirty Eight is a liberal site - great piece by Maggie Koerth. WATCH! The AR-15 Goes On Trial For Murder | YouTube The Babylon Bee strikes again with some truth! |