Federal workers are fighting for an 8.7% raise, full staffing and workplace safety. Join us on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at noon to support our union siblings as they tell Congress to pay them fairly!
This information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time or sent to others using government equipment, because it suggests action to be taken in support or against legislation. Do not use your government email address or government phone in contacting your member of Congress. It’s Rally Time! Government workers deserve a raise.

Hi John,


It’s no secret that federal employee pay lags behind the private sector. That’s why AFGE members are fighting for an 8.7% raise. Join us Tuesday, Feb. 14, at noon to support our union brothers, sisters and siblings.


Federal Employee Pay Increase Rally

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, Noon–1 p.m.

Taft Memorial Carillon

New Jersey Avenue NW

Washington, D.C.


If you can’t join us tomorrow, please take one minute to send a letter to your lawmakers telling them to support the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act.

In Solidarity,



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