While Biden keeps positioning himself for a 2024 run, a recent poll shows an overwhelming majority of Democrats DON’T want him to run for a second term!

Biden’s time in office can be characterized by just one word: chaos. Since he took office, gas prices have risen to new highs, groceries have shot up by 10% across the board, our Southern Border is wide open, and millions of Americans feel like their President doesn’t care about their priorities!

John, Americans want to see Biden retire… but knowing how the Radical Left operates, we’ll have to fight tooth and nail to get him OUT of the White House.

No leader should ever ignore their citizens just so they can pass their radical agenda. Biden has wasted trillions on his extremist Green New Deal and Build Back Better schemes, but come 2024; Beth is prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure the American people get the leadership we deserve!

While Republicans work to shore up support ahead of the 2024 elections, Beth is counting on you to help send Biden packing!
Fighting for Accountability,
Team Van Duyne