Hi John,
This weekend I turned 28 years old. I've always been proud to share my birthday with the long MLK weekend, because it was Dr. King who provided me with a blueprint for a life of service. At the National Civil Rights Museum, I learned that Dr. King's autopsy revealed he had the heart of a 60-year-old man, though he was just 39 years old when he was assassinated. Such was the stress of 13 years in the civil rights movement.
Yesterday, at Glide Memorial's Sunday Celebration for MLK in San Francisco, poet Chinaka Hodge reminded us of the need to practice self-love so that we can, as Dr. King exhorted us, bring our best selves to the fight for justice.
Thank you for being hopeful with me, as we bring our best selves to our campaign to change the status quo!
With gratitude,
Agatha Bacelar
Candidate, US Congress CA-12