February 2023

Bridges to Wellness Centers Open at 8 High Schools

This year Identity is bringing Positive Youth Development programs to even more students who need extra support to thrive in high school. We are now working in eight additional high schools, through a Montgomery County initiative called Bridges to Wellness. We are honored to be part of this county-wide response to an increase in risky behavior and the need for more emotional support services, worsened by the isolation of the pandemic. 
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Combating Substance Use

Identity is collaborating with a larger county response to the increase in youth drug overdoses in the schools and community by hosting bilingual info sessions and participating in larger forums sponsored by MCPS and the county. Read More...
The Healing Power of Rec

Identity youth are hungry for new ways to get active, connect with peers, and rebound physically and mentally after a long period of inactivity and social isolation. We're seeing a tremendous growth in participation in recreation activities. Read More...
Building the Social Work Pipeline

Meet Amy Caballero, an intern at the Seneca Valley High School Wellness Center, working toward her Master of Social Work at USG through a scholarship funded by the Healthcare Initiative Foundation. By supporting students like Amy, we are helping build a pipeline for bilingual mental health practitioners.
Identity at the Half-Year Mark – 5,000+ clients

Here is a snapshot of the 5,335 clients we’ve been privileged to work with in the first 6 months of the year:

3,400 youth and adults participated in programs at schools, in the community and on playing fields.  Case Managers helped nearly 4,000 clients with safety-net needs, impacting over 11,000 people.

19 workforce development clients acquired jobs, 8 participated in paid work experiences, 6 youth earned their GED, and 27 have passed at least one test.  Our high school students performed over 2,000 volunteer hours and joined 71 enriching field trips. 188 elementary and middle school students worked on reading and STEM skills.  Our clinical mental health therapists worked with 173 clients, over 500 adults and 100 teens participated in Encuentros non-clinical emotional support groups.

Mil Gracias
KindWorks to the Rescue

Once again, KindWorks volunteers are expanding their support of Identity families, from gathering summer fun supplies for our elementary students to now furnishing apartments for refugees and others having to start over. This kind of personal, warm welcome is priceless. 
Kennedy Center Field Trip 

Identity youth enjoyed a snack al fresco on the Kennedy Center terrace after seeing The Day You Begin - a play about finding the courage to make new friends in a new place. The play is based on a book the youth read together during their Identity program. This and other enriching field trips have been made possible by the Shoenberg Family Foundation.
Thanks also to Chevy Chase United Methodist Church for yummy snacks and brand-new soccer socks for our soccer players.
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