From Yeb Saño, Greenpeace <[email protected]>
Subject Important update: Shell
Date February 12, 2023 5:01 PM
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Hi John,

I’ve got an important update for you.

Before I tell you, please can you demand that Shell starts to take responsibility for the climate destruction they’re causing around the world? It only takes a few clicks.

Sign the petition: [link removed]

Together with other ordinary people determined to take a stand, I have just protested against one of Shell's new oil platforms as it entered into a harbour in Norway. [1]

At the crack of dawn we sailed out on a small boat to confront the huge cargo ship carrying Shell’s climate wrecking oil platform which is destined for the North Sea. We welcomed them with a banner reading “Stop drilling. Start paying.”

We have a clear message for Shell: stop drilling for new fossil fuels and start paying for all the death and destruction you are causing. Today we sent this message to Shell loud and clear - but to make them sit up and listen we need you to speak up too.

Can you take a stand against Shell by signing the petition calling on them to stop destroying our planet for profit?

Sign the petition: [link removed]

This is not the first time I have taken action against Shell. Last week I was on the Greenpeace ship the Arctic Sunrise to support four brave people who climbed onto Shell’s oil platform as it was being transported across the Atlantic ocean. [2]

They were joined by two more daring climbers as the platform made its way through the English Channel and they managed to occupy the platform until it reached Norway where today we protested against it calling into harbour. [3]

We took action against Shell, because they cannot be allowed to move freely across the world spreading climate chaos and destroying lives. Shell knowingly fuels the climate crisis, but doesn’t seem to care - so we are left with no choice but to oppose their toxic business model at every opportunity.

After our action Shell will try to label us as extremists - but we know that we speak for people everywhere who are sick and tired of fossil fuel companies destroying our planet for profit. Can you show Shell that the majority of people stand with us by signing this huge petition calling on them to stop drilling and start paying for their climate damage?

Sign the petition: [link removed]

I am proud and happy about what we have achieved today. I hope this action is a wake-up call for Shell and other fossil fuel giants - ordinary people are willing to rise up and do whatever it takes to stop them.

With hope for a better future,

Yeb Saño
Executive Director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia

P.S. If you haven't been following the story, read our blog that goes into more detail about our 13 day occupation of Shell's oil platform: [link removed]

[1] After 13 days and nearly 4,000km – Greenpeace occupation of Shell oil platform ends with no arrests: [link removed]
[2] Greenpeace climate justice activists board and occupy Shell platform en route to major oilfield with message: ‘STOP DRILLING. START PAYING.’: [link removed]
[3] Shell threatens Greenpeace protestors with jail and fines: But legal tactics fail as Greenpeace sends second boat and more climbers - Greenpeace International: [link removed]

We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you can become a monthly supporter today: [link removed] Thank you.

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Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

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