Modern Collection

The past week found Gun Owners of California bidding a heartfelt goodbye to our “swashbuckling” founder, Senator H.L. “Bill” Richardson, who passed away on January 13, 2020 at 92. He was a giant in life, and he will continue to be a giant as long as there is breath in GOC’s lungs. The tributes are flowing, and they remind us how extraordinary he was – and how he was “The Man Who Changed the Capitol.”

We have featured some recent news articles on Senator Richardson – read how he “single-handedly changed the nature of the Capitol, pioneered political techniques that continue to be used and altered the course of California history.” 

GOC has never veered from Richardson’s purpose, and we never will. In the face of formidable opposition, we will continue to stand for our constitutional liberties and the 2nd Amendment. Join us as we honor his life and continue the incredible legacy he established.


The Man Who Changed The Capitol | CalMatters

Dan Walters on the phenomenal impact of GOC’s founder, Senator H.L. Richardson.

“Obviously, too, he single-handedly changed the nature of the Capitol, pioneered political techniques that continue to be used and altered the course of California history by playing key roles in the election of Deukmejian as governor and the defeat of Chief Justice Bird.”

Remembering H.L. Richardson: A Swashbuckling Conservative Before It Was Cool | Newsmax

John Gizzi on Richardson’s effectiveness – inside and outside the Capitol.

“Utilizing his skills as an ad man and his legislative acumen, Richardson was a major player in thwarting legislation in Sacramento that would undermine the right to keep and bear arms.”

H. L. Richardson Rode Shotgun for the Reagan Revolution in CA | National Review

John Fund’s well-informed words on the work – and character of GOC’s founder.

“Richardson pioneered a form of grassroots politics in California that proved to be revolutionary. In the 1970s, he grew concerned that Second Amendment rights were being eroded, so he founded Gun Owners of California to pressure his legislative colleagues…”


Read the tribute to our founder here – which includes many personal remembrances from friends and colleagues.

Senator H.L. “Bill” Richardson, Political Maverick and GOC Founder, Passes Away at 92


NBC News Deletes Post Calling Pro-2A Event ‘White Nationalist Rally’ | Breitbart

These people…ignorance on steroids.

Antifa Infiltrator? Gun Rally Goers Turn on Protester Who Suggests Violence | PJ Media

This certainly foils the Left’s narrative!

WATCH What Happened at the Rally! | GOA YouTube

GOA posts video of massive Virginia 2A rally.

WATCH: Pro-gun rally in Richmond’s Capitol Square | WSLS News

Local news reports on the rally.

The Truth About Guns | IWF

Katie Pavlich joins IWF on the Importance of the 2nd Amendment

Retire Bill Of Rights, Starting w/ 2nd Amendment | Ammoland

Radical Left’s 1st item of business.

Eminem Produces Gun Control Music Video | Breitbart

Urges viewers to change gun laws and register to vote.

My Daddy Has a Gun: … and My Mom Does Too! | Ammoland

New children’s book from Rob Pincus.
