Engage in your government!
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Dear TTP Citizen Advocates:

We had a great time on Tuesday at the Capitol.  Our group had folks from 7 different counties attending, to do a bit of training in the morning, and deliver policy papers in the afternoon.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  We did some good work that day!


On Wednesday, Speaker Phelan finally announced Committee assignments for the House.  There are still Democrat chairs - but only 8 this time, down from 13 in the previous session.  This is at least an improvement.  Our grassroots pressure during opening week and the post card campaigns last October, certainly sent a message that apparently had some effect. But in my opinion, Republican Committee Chairs did far more damage in recent sessions than Democrats, so let's keep an eye on them too.  You can see who is on what committee by clicking here. Then click on the committee name to see the members.
The Speaker also created two new "select" committees:  Select Committee on Health Care Reform, and Select Committee on Youth Health and Safety.  For details on the purpose and jurisdiction of these committees, see the House Journal for Feb. 8th.  Scroll to the last couple of pages of the document.  Both these committees are temporary and expire at the beginning of the 89th Session in 2025.
Bills have not yet been assigned to Committees in the House or the Senate (except budget bills).  But they will be soon and that's when the heaving lifting starts for Citizen Advocates!
February 14th I will not be at the Capitol.  (My travel obligations take me elsewhere that day).  But... Matt Long, our Fredericksburg Tea Party partner will be there to assist anyone who wants to go. Matt will be in the Rotunda from 10:15 to 10:30 for anyone who wants to work, needs help, has questions.  You can still be there and do good work.  And Matt will help where needed. 


Here's what YOU can do on Feb 14th:
  • Visit your own Representative and Senator, and leave a copy of the TTP Legislative Priorities, or the RTP Legislative Priorities (or both!).
  • Observe the House or Senate in action from the galleries
  • Observe a Committee in progress.  This will help you understand how the committee process works in preparation for testifying at a later date.  The Senate Finance Committee is meeting that day, and the House Appropriations Committee and the House Administration Committee will be meeting that day.  Warning!  Finance and Appropriations hearings can be really boring (unless you're a budget nerd!) and the 2 House hearings are having invited testimony only.  So I don't recommend you spend a lot of time in these hearings.  But if you've never observed a hearing, and you have extra time that day, it's a good experience.
  • If you cannot go to the Capitol, you can contact your House and Senate representatives and share Legislative Priorities with them via email, phone, or written mail.

Feb. 21:  I don't have a plan for this day yet, but I promise I'll come up with one and I'll be there to help execute it. 

Feb 28:  Matt and I will do another "mini" training from 10 to noon.  This time the topic is Using the TLO.  (That's the Texas Legislature On Line).  Every activist needs to know how to us this on line tool that contains all things Texas Legislature.  Ag Commissioner Sid Miller has graciously offered us the use of his Conference room, so we'll meet there at 10.  Commissioner Miller's office is in a different building just north of the Capitol at 1700 Colorado Street (Stephen F. Austin Building).  In the afternoon, we'll have work for you to do, and hopefully we'll have some bills assigned to committees by then.

Bills, bills and more bills!

That's right!  Bills are still being filed fast and furious.  So far, 2,946 House bills and 1,028 Senate bills have been filed.  They have until March 10 to file bills, and except for the Governor's emergency items (which have yet to be announced)  they cannot debate or vote on any bills until after that date.

A small warning about this flurry of bills being filed.  All of the reps and senators are proudly putting out press releases saying "I've filed this bill and isn't it wonderful?"  But before you take to social media, or the email or whatever in support or opposition to a bill, be sure you have read it!  Just because the rep says it's good, doesn't mean it's good.  You think they're going to say it's anything but good?  It's their bill! Of course they think it's wonderful.

Read it for yourself and make sure you understand all the ramifications.  Sometimes things that sound good on the surface, have little details that end up being not so good.  And the opposite is also true - things that look bad on first glance might turn out to be worthy of support.  God is in the details!  So make sure you pay attention to the details and read the bills.  If you don't know how to find the text of bills, reach out to me - or, attend our TLO training on Feb. 28th and we'll teach you.

God bless each of you for being engaged with your government.  I appreciate you more than you can know.  See you on the 21st!

Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project



TTP, along with Fredericksburg Tea Party, will have people at the Capitol every Tuesday!  Pick a Tuesday and plan to be with us to advocate for our bills, testify at hearings, learn more about the process and how to be effective, and be a part of the legislative action. Anyone is welcome.  I'm always asked to give more notice for these events - so here is your notice through May 31, 2023!  Every Tuesday!  We'll be there other days too as needed, and I cannot give good notice of those because we never know until a day or two ahead.   So - keep an eye out for your Citizen Advocate messages, and think fast!

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