Hi John, it's Elias again. I'm writing to you from Türkiye (aka 'Turkey'), where I'm joining my colleagues to report on IRC's response efforts following the catastrophic earthquake that happened earlier this week. It's been a long and immensely painful week here in Türkiye and Syria.
There's one thing that's becoming rapidly apparent: there is an urgent need for long–term, committed support. We've launched our immediate response and we're on the ground providing immediate lifesaving items and services — like blankets, hygiene kits, and health care. But we're in this for the long haul, John.
John, the quake affected areas host a high number of families displaced by conflict, especially in Syria. Many of the people impacted have already been displaced up to 20Â times.
Can you imagine fleeing a war zone, only to have your home destroyed again?
Even before the quake, 2 million people were already lacking adequate housing during the harsh Syrian winter. This includes 800,000 people — most of them children — who live in makeshift shelters without reliable access to heat, electricity, clean water, or sanitation services.
The IRC has been in the region for over a decade. Our teams are skilled, and aware of the nuance needed to respond effectively and efficiently. We need your immediate support now to power this work and continue our longstanding commitment to communities in Syria, Türkiye, and other crisis zones. Start your monthly gift now and your first donation will be matched:
Syria's ongoing war has weakened vital infrastructure, including the health system, reducing its capacity to respond to emergencies like this one. Only 59% of hospitals in Syria are fully functional.
Electricity across the affected area remains intermittent, with many parts of northern Syria completely off the grid. This includes mobile and internet outages, making the response and coordination even more difficult.
Gas supplies in Türkiye, which many people rely on to heat their homes, have also been severely impacted — meaning that even if people are able to return to their homes they will have to endure freezing temperatures.
I'm so proud of the dedication and determination of my colleagues here. In the midst of disaster, they are working alongside their neighbors to do whatever they can to help. Even in the darkest and most painful time, our humanity is what unites us to cope with this immeasurable loss.
It will take all of us as a community to help the people of Syria and Türkiye through this compounding humanitarian crisis. I'm so thankful you are with us.
I'll report back soon as this crisis and our response continue to unfold.
— Elias
Elias Abu Ata
Regional Senior Communications and Media Manager
International Rescue Committee |