Second Sky Balloon Shot Down
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Welcome to the Weekend Wrap Up! Here are the top articles that CaucusRoom members shared: We finally shot down the Chinese Spy Balloon [[link removed]]. 4 in 10 Americans [[link removed]] are living paycheck to paycheck.Biden is a weak leader [[link removed]].The jobs report [[link removed]]was wrong, again.Dems have lost hope [[link removed]].Illegals in NYC heading to Canada. [[link removed]]New study says masks didn't work [[link removed]].Is a war with China [[link removed]] imminent?Who is responsible for the Nord Stream sabotage [[link removed]]?One of Biden's sensitive documents [[link removed]] is from 1974.Government-funded disinformation group. [[link removed]]Hillary is jealous of Joe. [[link removed]]Oh no! It's too cold in Canada [[link removed]]. No One Cares
Biden’s speech clocked in with the lowest audience ever recorded for an official SOTU speech. [[link removed]]
Assault on 2A
Internal documents from the ATF show the "zero tolerance" guidelines the agency is using to shut down gun stores. [[link removed]]
Second Balloon Shot Down
The U.S. military shot down a second “high altitude object” [[link removed]] in American airspace, this time off the coast of Alaska on Friday.
Here For The Laughs [[link removed]]
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