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Dear Jack,

After President Biden’s State of the Union Address, Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Republican response. 
The day after that the newly elected governor of Arkansas did something even more impressive:  she outlined plans for universal school choice in her state.

Under the Huckabee Sanders plan every family in Arkansas will be given an Education Freedom Account for each child by 2025.
  This will allow moms and dads to enroll their kids in whatever school is most appropriate for their family – “public, private, parochial, or homeschool”.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaking in Jackson, Mississippi

If Arkansas can do that, why can’t we?  Are things so wildly different on the other side of the river?  Are the vested interests who would rather take your tax dollars to fund the education system, as opposed actual students, magically stronger in our state?  Not at all. 
A conservative education revolution is happening across much of America – and we could be part of it.  Utah and Iowa passed laws to allow school choice last month.  Florida, Texas and Wyoming are embarking on something similar.  Arizona and West Virginia have already implemented school choice. 
Conservative leadership in Mississippi needs to make sure we are part of the school choice revolution, too.
What is so refreshing about the Huckabee Sanders approach is that she is gloriously unapologetic.  Instead of kowtowing to vested interests that would rather hog-tie the legislature into do-nothing inertia, she is taking them on head-on. 
Governor Huckabee Sanders is reaching over the heads of those that believe the purpose of the education budget is to provide jobs, and appealing directly to families.  Rather than dwell on why it can’t be done, she is doing it.
Huckabee Sanders is not content to tinker like a technocrat with the detail of her state’s education system.  She is not looking to move a couple of metrics that half the state’s parents probably don’t even know exist, let alone care for.  She is instead driving forward changes that will elevate the education system as experienced by families each day. 
Joining us in a few weeks will be another great champion of school choice, Betsy DeVos.  A former education secretary in the Trump administration, Mrs. DeVos is in my opinion one of the most inspirational conservatives in the country.  She will be highlighting how school choice can transform the lives of young Americans of every background. 
If you support school choice, please come to hear Betsy DeVos outline her vision for the future of education in America.  Click on the image below to book your ticket today.   

Click on the image to reserve your tickets
We need to move the dial on school choice in this state – I hope you will join us as we lead the charge to make it happen.  If Arkansas can do it, we can too.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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Warm regards,

Douglas Carswell 
President & CEO 
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