From Haley <[email protected]>
Subject early bird gets the worm
Date February 11, 2023 12:45 PM
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Good morning, folks!

I don’t know about you, but I do some of my best, most productive work early in the morning.

So today, I decided to wake up, enjoy a nice, warm cup of coffee, and check out our campaign’s latest fundraising numbers ahead of our critical Mid-Month deadline on Tuesday.

And I don’t mean to kick off your Saturday AM with bad news, but the truth is our February fundraising numbers are tracking well behind where they need to be.

So, before you go on to enjoy the rest of your weekend and forget this email ever existed, would you please chip in $25 or whatever you can afford to support my campaign and help me continue representing Michigan’s 11th District in Congress? Any amount helps! [[link removed]]

Chip in $25 [[link removed]]
Other Amount [[link removed]]

Grassroots supporters like you stepped up big during the last election cycle.

You worked to re-elect Governor Whitmer, helped Democrats gain control of the Michigan state legislature, passed Prop 3 to protect abortion rights, and made history by electing a Democrat to represent MI-11 in the U.S. House for three consecutive terms for the first time EVER!

But the upcoming election cycle represents an even bigger challenge, team.

National Republicans are gearing up to spend BIG in order to expand their House majority, take back Senate control, and win the White House in 2024.

And all roads lead directly through Michigan.

That’s why it is so critical we build up the resources and grassroots infrastructure to compete with GOP dark money and defend our Democratic values at the state and federal level.

So yes, I know it’s early. But I wouldn’t ask unless it were important: Will you please add a $25 contribution right away to help our campaign lead the way in keeping Michigan blue? Our fundraising numbers are falling behind, and we could really use your support! [[link removed]]

Chip in $25 [[link removed]]
Other Amount [[link removed]]

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!


Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States

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