
We’re celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy, and looking ahead to the victories we must achieve to help realize his dream.

One of those key victories must be restoring the Voting Rights Act. 

When the Supreme Court gutted the VRA in its infamous Shelby County decision in 2013, it opened the door to voter suppression and intimidation in the states. And racist politicians have responded by targeting communities of color to try to suppress the vote. From purging voting rolls, to closing polling places, to criminalizing voter registration, Republicans have used outrageous schemes to attack black and brown voters.

But now, the Senate has a chance to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act, the bill that would restore the Voting Rights Act!

Send a message senators: Pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act!

We’ll never have a real democracy until everyone’s voice is heard. And that means making sure everyone can participate and exercise the right to vote.

Getting rid of toxic big money isn’t enough to fix our democracy if racist vote suppressors can rig the system to stay in power.

So that’s why we must make sure we pass the VRAA and restore critical voting protections. Tell senators to take action now.

In the meantime, check out our running list, “Cheating to win,” about voter suppression tactics being used around the country. The shameful tactics included in our list could finally be stopped if Congress passed the VRAA and restored the Voting Rights Act.

The Voting Rights Act was the crowning achievement of the Civil Rights Movement before Dr. King’s assassination. We absolutely must see that it is restored.

In the meantime, thank you for being part of this movement. Together we can achieve a democracy that is truly for everyone.

Thank you for all you do,

The HAZMAT America Team


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HAZMAT America

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