News from Representative Steil

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February 10, 2023

State of The Union


This week, President Biden gave his State of the Union address. There are three key things we need to work together on to move our country forward: control spending, bring down costs, and stop the fentanyl coming into our country. 

Our debt has now surpassed $31 trillion. Over the past two years, Congress has passed trillions of new government spending that has led to higher costs. This summer, our nation is expected to reach our current debt ceiling limit. Right now is the time for Congress and the President to work on solutions to address our nation's spending, and protect programs like Social Security and Medicare. 

In order to bring down costs, we must stop excessive spending in Washington. Accounting for inflation, wages have decreased by 1.7% over the past year. We cannot allow inflation to continue outpacing wages. In order to get inflation under control, we need to follow three key steps. 

  • Control excessive spending in Washington
  • Unleash American energy and adopt an "all of the above approach"
  • Right-size our labor policies to help workers get back into the workforce

I was encouraged to hear the President mention fentanyl in his address. We're continue to see deadly fentanyl pour across our border and make its way into our communities. In the last year, 107,375 people died of drug overdoses and drug poisoning. 67% of those deaths involved fentanyl. In Wisconsin, fentanyl was identified in 90% of opioid overdose deaths and 73% of all drug overdose deaths. 

These numbers are stark. 

We cannot continue to allow fentanyl to devastate our communities and I hope the President is willing to do more on this issue. To truly address this issue, I believe we need to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, we need to supporting and fund law enforcement agencies, and we need to permanently make fentanyl related substances a Schedule I drug.  These key steps can help us protect our community


I had hoped the President would take more time in his speech to address the rising crime rates we see across our country. Earlier this week, we received heartbreaking news that a Milwaukee police officer had been shot and killed. We all mourn this brave officer who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our community. This act could have been prevented. 

We must ensure our officers have the resources and tools necessary to prevent crime, but we also must shine a light on any penalties being weakened for crimes committed. Everyone has a right to feel safe in their home, and in their community. I'll continue working to address our high crime rates and support our men and women in law enforcement.  

As always, feel welcome to share your opinion with me. Feel welcome to reply to this newsletter with your thoughts on the State of the Union Address. 

On Wisconsin,


Bryan Steil
Member of Congress

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