Today, we celebrate a man and the movement he built to ensure our country lived up to our founding ideals: that all of us are created equal.

Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

Today, we celebrate a man and the movement he built to ensure our country lived up to one of our founding ideals: that all of us are created equal.

Whether it was atop the steps of the Lincoln Memorial or from a jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s words gave voice to a movement. It started on public buses, moved to lunch counters, and then to school yards, until eventually the call would be heard in the halls of Congress.

Dr. King's call continues to inspire and challenge all of us. I heard that call when I went to work with the National Coalition for the Homeless, launched an AmeriCorps program for the National "I Have a Dream" Foundation, and spent time working with the South African Council of Churches during the liberation struggle. Those experiences changed my life, and I began to see how our sense of common purpose and values bind us together.

It's our responsibility to carry on the fight for Dr. King's dream by working together -- today and every day -- for social, racial, and economic justice.

We can't rest until justice truly rings out for all. So today, will you honor Dr. King's legacy by finding a volunteer opportunity in your local area and giving a few hours of your time to a just cause?

Thank you,


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