From Save the Children <[email protected]>
Subject The deadly earthquake in Türkiye & Syria is the latest emergency facing children
Date February 10, 2023 9:18 PM
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John: By now, we’re sure you’ve heard that early Monday morning, a deadly 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Türkiye and Syria. Tragically, this disaster is just the latest in a long line of hardships children are already facing in the region.

Children in Syria have been living through a civil war for more than 11 years – 77% of the population was displaced by the conflict even before the earthquake. 3.7 million of those displaced have fled to Türkiye, which hosts more refugees than any other country in the world and was already in a serious economic recession before this disaster.

As our teams work to respond to these compounding crises and others around the world, your support could not be more important, John: Please, will you make a gift to our Children’s Emergency Fund to support children impacted by ongoing disasters like Monday’s earthquake in Türkiye and Syria?

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In any crisis, we know that children are always the most at risk. The toll this earthquake will take for those already experiencing war, displacement and poverty is a serious concern. As our teams continue to respond to the situation in Türkiye and northwest Syria, providing emergency medical supplies, warm clothing and nutritious food, we need you to take action to protect them.

That’s why we’re asking you to contribute to our Children’s Emergency Fund at this critical moment, which helps ensure that Save the Children is there before, during and after an emergency. Rush an emergency donation to support children whose lives and futures are threatened, whether by devastating natural disasters, violent conflict or extreme poverty.

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Thank you for being there for children, especially during emergencies.

Save the Children’s Emergency Response Team

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Photo: OMAR HAJ KADOUR/AFP via Getty // Save the Children

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