Notes from Mike's Desk from the Week of February 6 – 10, 2023
Hello, friends! Welcome back to my newsletter highlighting what’s happening on Capitol Hill and in Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District. Thank you for subscribing and please consider recommending my newsletter to a friend.
Yesterday, we held the first hearing of our newly-created Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and I used my time to discuss the FBI’s targeting of concerned parents as domestic terrorists. The timeline of coordination between the White House, DOJ, and NSBA is crystal clear.
We will investigate many egregious examples of the federal government being weaponized against American citizens, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
President Biden’s State of the Union address was a missed opportunity. The President repeatedly embellished his own accomplishments and lied about Republicans’ position on Social Security, Medicare, and our national debt. I took some time on the floor Wednesday night to draw attention to the President’s prior comments on the debt ceiling, because while he may have lied from the podium, the Congressional Record doesn’t.
As I told CNN late Tuesday night after the SOTU, the rhetoric in the President’s speech simply did not match the reality that Americans are experiencing.
The people of our country want sanity returned to public policy, and that is what House Republicans are offering as the alternative to Biden’s rising prices, rising crime, and open borders.
After several consecutive weeks of session in Washington, I’m looking forward to getting back to Louisiana to meet with constituents and businesses in the district. To best serve you, I am hosting two town hall meetings on Monday, February 13. See the below graphics for details. I hope to see you there!
The deadline to apply for our summer 2023 internships is approaching quickly! If your college-aged student wants to learn about the legislative process, this is an invaluable work experience. We are accepting applications through February 17. Click this link to apply!
A constituent of mine needed assistance to get the VA to deliver her the Aid and Assistance benefits that were rightfully hers and that she desperately needed. As the widow of a veteran, this constituent had tried for months to receive her benefits, only to have her emails unread and phone calls ignored. She reached out to my team as a last ditch effort, and I’m glad she did. Shortly after inquiring with my office, this constituent began to receive her benefits, over $600 per month. Her family was ecstatic, as she will now be able to live comfortably in her home. I am proud to represent so many veterans and their families in Congress, and I encourage all veterans struggling with VA benefits to reach out to my office immediately.
This week, my friend, Louisiana State Rep. Dustin Miller made a quick trip to the Capitol for the State of the Union. Dustin represents the great people in St. Landry Parish so well, and I was honored to have him as my special guest!
And thank you all again for subscribing and reading. We’ll have more next week!
For freedom,
