How to Handle Betrayal 
-Discovering Personality
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The lead-up to Valentine's day can be a painful time for those who have recently been betrayed in a relationship.

When you are in a long-term intimate relationship and you get betrayed, you experience internal chaos. 

It rattles your unconscious because you do not know anything anymore. You do not know what the past was and your model of the future gets destroyed. 

Your endless imagination fills that space. Your sense of reality is shaken to its core. All of a sudden, not only is everything in chaos inside your mind but everything in your world. 

To help deal with the betrayal, it is useful to get an accurate model in your head. You need to figure out who you were, who that person was, what you did together, and what it meant because you do not want this to happen again. 

Once you get clarity on what happened and how to prevent it from happening again, you are now prepared for the future. You have now acquired wisdom and will not be this naive again the next time you enter into a relationship.

If you are looking to learn more about personality for romantic success, there is a 47% discount on the Discovering Personality course for Valentine's Day. 

In the five-hour course, you will find more information than you would find in a typical full-scale one-semester personality course at university. Click below to join now. 

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Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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