From Stevens HQ <[email protected]>
Subject take a look at this (not good)
Date February 10, 2023 5:05 PM
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Hey there—it’s George, Haley Stevens’ campaign manager.

You know I’d rather not bother you. So if I’m reaching out, usually something pretty serious is going on. And, unfortunately, that’s the situation we find ourselves in right now...

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As you can see from our latest ActBlue report, our fundraising numbers have fallen off a cliff this week.

In fact, this week has been one of Haley’s WORST fundraising weeks since she was first elected to Congress to represent Michigan’s 11th District back in 2018!

Look, you know I don’t send emails asking for your help often. But right now, Haley and the rest of our team here at Stevens HQ are in desperate need of some help from Haley’s top supporters.

With Michigan jumping ahead in the presidential primary calendar, and a tightly contested U.S. Senate race on the ballot in 2024, we’re preparing for Republicans to flood our state—and our district—with dark money like we’ve NEVER seen before.

That’s why we can’t afford such a severe fundraising drop-off like we’ve seen so far in February—and why I’m personally reaching out to ask for your help.

If our ActBlue numbers don’t turn around ASAP, I’ll have to make some really tough budget decisions. So please, will you help get Haley’s fundraising numbers back on track by chipping in $25 (or more!) right away? [[link removed]]

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

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Chip in $100 [[link removed]] Chip in $200 [[link removed]]
Chip in $250 [[link removed]] Other Amount [[link removed]]

Thanks for helping us out,George Lundgren
Campaign Manager
Haley Stevens for Congress

Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States

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