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It’s the last day of my 5-day educational series on Convention of States, and I’d love your feedback. Keep reading for more on that in a minute. 

From training countless grassroots volunteers, I know how intimidating it can be to start a conversation with people about COS if you don’t feel confident that you can answer any questions they raise. 

That’s one of the reasons I love the special resource I have for you today. 

This is our Five Myths About an Article V Convention download. In this one document, you’ll find helpful responses to five of the biggest objections we’ve heard to calling a Convention of States. 

It’s a great tool to have in your back pocket when talking about Article V, or even to just answer any lingering questions that may be floating around in your own head. 

Simply click here to grab your free copy. 

And now, I have a quick question for you. One of our mantras here is “act, learn, and adjust.” It means that we try and evaluate if what we’re doing is working well, or if there’s a way that we could improve it in the future. 

So if you have a minute, would you mind answering this 2-question survey to let me know if you found this email series helpful? I’d love any thoughts on how we can make series like these even more valuable in the future! 

Here to serve, 

Jason Girard
National Grassroots Director
COS Action
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