Jack, We're just going to be blunt:
There's a word for what House Republicans are doing — holding the American economy hostage in order to force spending cuts to social programs that millions depend on. It's called extortion.
Senate Majority Leader Schumer called them on it. House Minority Leader Jeffries called them on it. And President Biden just called them out on it during his State of the Union.
Jack, it's time to FIGHT BACK. That's why we're asking 300 Democrats to activate their 2023 Membership, before midnight, so we can send a clear message to President Biden and Democratic Leadership that WE ARE UNITED WITH YOU.
2023 Membership: PENDING
Supporter: [email protected]
Suggested Activation Amount: $15 | GIVE NOW >>
Can you activate your 2023 Democratic membership before tomorrow's End-of-Month deadline to help our leaders in Congress fight back?