This weekend, women marched.

One year from now, I want to see a bold progressive woman named Elizabeth Warren march to the White House.

I decided to support Elizabeth Warren for president because her plan to end rancid corruption in Washington DC -- and make government work for the vast majority of Americans instead of the entitled few -- resonates with Democrats, Independents, and Republicans I know back home in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Elizabeth Warren is the best candidate to inspire Americans and defeat Trump. Will you join me in endorsing her? Click here.

Please also donate to her campaign. And consider making calls to Iowa voters or joining Road Warriors travelling to Iowa in the final two weeks.

I've seen what corruption looks like in Hollywood. Too up close. Too personal. Elizabeth Warren has seen things too.

Elizabeth Warren is the leading fighter against the corruption she's seen in Washington. The revolving door between Wall Street and government. Bailouts for banks while students can't even refinance their loans. Corrupt men like Senator Mitch McConnell having too much power and hurting too many people.

She's the only candidate who has done the math, and figured out how to pay for her plans -- from universal childcare to cancelling student debt -- with a two cent wealth tax on the Ultra Rich.

And she made a strong, inspirational case for being Commander in Chief in the last debate.

Elizabeth Warren's plans resonate with Republicans, Democrats, and Independents: lowering prescription drug prices, reducing family debt, reducing health bills by thousands per family, liberating people to start small businesses, challenging Wall Street banks and big polluters, and passing the strongest anti-corruption laws since Watergate.

That's why polls consistently show Elizabeth Warren to be the candidate who MOST UNITES and ENERGIZES Democratic voters against Trump.

Are you ready to elect an inspiring progressive woman to the White House? Join me...

Endorse Elizabeth Warren.

Donate to her.

Make calls for her.

Pack your bags and travel for her.

Let's win this...

Ashley Judd

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.

Progressive stickers, buttons, T-shirts, and more!


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